You only get better by playing. ...

I believe that technique is one of the most important tools that a drummer should have. Among the most important benefits that a good technique offers are: good sound, reduction of the possibility of injury to a minimum, duration in time, effortless flow in playing! The study of stick control, Accents and rebounds, Master studies and of course the 40 standard rudiments, or even the Hybrid rudiments, I believe is necessary to achieve the above! ...

Sight reading

Needless to say, it is important to know how to read music! Many benefits! From knowing exactly what you are playing, to understanding exactly what others want you to play! It 's just like someone who knows how to speak, but does not know grammar and reading! His speech will be shallow, his thinking without judgment and without meaning!

Groove survey

One of the most basic elements a drummer needs,is a sense of groove! If we could give a definition of what a groove is, I would say it is the distance one feels the notes should have between them! And this is something unique to everyone, such as the tone of voice, or the fingerprint!